desired dreams
Wednesday, November 28, 2001
what a day what a day! I've never seen so many packages in my life... er at least UPS packages... so many.. .t oo much... my legs hurt from school, dance, work, etc. i'm so tired. i just finished my econ project. yay. later over the weekend i'll have to work on that website. anyway. so like this morning everything went well, but as the day progressed... things just kinda stayed the same.
but work. OMFG. was a lot of fawking packages! @_@;;; and i saw the scariest thing... this old guy works there sometimes... and while i was in the warehouse... we went peeing in the toliet... in the bathroom... w/ the door open. x_X traumatized for life. not only that... but i was soo pooped.. x_X; too many orderes... too many packages. goddamn! >_<
yeah. weird. i gotta do my econ presentation tomorrow... and i gotta read frankenstien... and my sir comes back from colorado also! ^-^ i'm so happy. i've been a good girl. i think i deserve a reward. XD````
tomorrow is a late start day... hopefully i'll get to school on time. ^_^. i'm outz. g'nitez.
Tuesday, November 27, 2001
the greatest thing happened today... getting to school on time.
I woke up at 8:35.
Got dressed and left the House at 8:40
Got to school, walked through the grass and made it in time before 5:54...
and I drove! and i parked on that hill! and walked to class! XD
Sunday, November 25, 2001
goooooooooood evening followers of jocy. yeah. *cough* right... who would read a loosers blog like mine. XD
anyway, i'm at my uncles office. i hate this. i don't like my uncle very much. his computer decided to shit and crap on him... cuz his kiddies probably downloaded some pr0n er something like that. anyway, i'm at his office... and i've been here since like 2... i had to call many many many people, verio and hp mainly, and ending up... i had to do a system recovery. that sucks doesn't it? well now the computer and internet works fine... but the internet doesnt. x_X; so now i'm downloading the driver stuff from HP. goddamn. at least i dont have to pay for it. i'm really cold right now. O_o;;; oh well.
so gracies b'day was k00. made me so tired, i think my body is sore from all that running around! so like around 12 we left to newark... den we took pics.. (SO MANY!!! hopefully someone will scan them in. ^^;) den we went to the mall... then we went back to check proofs.. then we went back to the mall... and then we went back to pick up pics... then we went to the Rainforest Cafe. yeah. that sums up what we did. i still have to get grace a b'day present. iono what to get her d00d. x_X;;;; anyway, so many things happened! i can't even remember.. ^^; we had lots of fun.
some highlights:
mike ate 4 dinners. XD
ddr @ newark = 3rd mix machine... no korean. *sobs*
hot topic @ newark = BONDAGE PANTS THAT JOCY WANTS FOR $55... *sob* but it's all good... Christina bought something and her points went onto my card! XD
target = winn0r. i bought a pair of pants for dance and a worm light...
worm light = winn0r. but i should buy one for my bro (a GBC version... ^^;;;) so yeah
rainforest cafe = o_______________X;;; its just weird... the vegies tasted funni.. but i got grace to eat em.
and other random highlights... trying to dominator someone is not winn0r. i suck at that so bad so bad. and now im cold... and i don't have batteries to play my tetris attack. speaking of which, i'm going to check out how to get the other pokemon characters. ^-^; i'm out! (btw i added some stolen b'day pics onto the pics side... heehee).
Happy Burthday Gracie!
Taken from arena v2 [jocy's pr0n rant]
[11/25/2001 6:10:17 PM | LiL Usako]
Well i guess i'll post since no one sees me around any more.
Lately lifes been sucking, sucking and sucking more, everything is going down the toilet of blackness... including me. I've been so buzy in the past week its unbelieveable. but i think today's topic of my post is...
dont let kids play with your computer so they can download their pr0n and then leave a peice of shit computer...
cuz then someone has to come along and fix it all together. thats right! so here i am at my uncles office... i've been here since like 2:30ish. honestly i wanted to go to my brothers soccer game. but no... i'm fucking here. so how'd i get here in the first place? it started last night. >_< i'm out w/ my friends from school to celebrate my girlfriends birthday... and out of the blue my uncle calls the cell phone... and it ruins my happyness till we hit dinner ( the rainforest cafe in sf = o____O;). He asked if i could show up on sunday (today) and fix his computer... what choice do i have? even if i decide not to do it, i get dragged along and droped off at his office door to do it. stupid relatives. so here i am... and i'm taking a look at this computer and i remember, "Oh yeah, last time i was here i found pr0n on this computer" and now... his (my uncles) computer is alllllllll fucked up. thats b/c of all the programs he deleted the wrong way and whatever he did with those programs... and his stupid children. *guar* makes me angry. so his computer is in peices, he can't access the internet, or his email... and i'm like, "Your a moron". anyway, so i ended up calling verio... and asking for help in figuring out what was wrong with the internet connection... so the first thing i find out is (from the company) that the password was corrupted. yeah. okay. its all good now... so i log onto the net... and find out... A. i can't access email files, and B. i can't log onto any websites... i get that stupid error message. so i called verio again and asked whats going on. so i talked to some chick and she helped me do all these stupid things to see if it would work... no luck. this fucking sucks. so she suggested that i get my modem uninstalled and reinstall it... okay.. so that means i have to call... hp... dun dun dun.
i call in hp... talk to some random guy... get the modem uninstalled and back in again... and guess what? NO FUCKING LUCK. >_< goddamn. so now its like 4:30ish... and the guy tells me, "Okay... your gonna have to do a system recovery thing... go find the discs and let me know if you find em." i go off looking for them and say that i've found them and he goes, "Good... now your gonna have to pop in that cd and restart the computer... and after that... it'll ask you to throw in the other cd and then you'll have to re-install the printer blah blah blah" (the basic idea, all the important files will be re-installed... you'll lose some files... but i know you don't care). so i go off and do that...
it takes fucking 30 minutes. and then i had to re-install the printer by going to and doing it that way. and here i am... waiting to be picked up in this cold cold cold office... alone... *sniff*
so kids, don't download pr0n... er at least delete it so you dont fuck up the computer... that way someone won't have to clean up the shit... shank you.
so tired from gracies b'day thing... got some pics yeah yeah. ^-^; so k00! i think i'll report on it later...
i feel so alone.. *sniffles*
something i learned today: I DIDN'T KNOW HEELY REPLACEMENTS ARE 39.99 AT JOURNEYS!!!
must find cheeper... x_X
Saturday, November 24, 2001
good evening. i guess i'll post on here... den to go bed. i r hella sleep0rs. so like the last few days have been hella bad. it just sucks. what can i say? this whole week sucks, just everything does. anyway, so like i'm finally gonna report how horrible my whole week has been...
monday was good... tuesday was alright for a while... then my mom picked me up from work and said, "We've gotta stop by safeway, your grandma wants a fucking turkey" and i'm like, "Why? no one likes turkey but me?"
"well thats cuz yer step auntie might come over, and your grandma demands for a turkey"
"what the fuck?! how are we gonna find a turkey this late?!"
"I dont know... we just gotta... lets go to safeway"
so my mom and i went on an adventure to safeway... we get there and we go to the deli and ask about their cooked thanxgivin dinner special and the deli lady said, "Oh... we had 200 turkeys... and today was the last day for the sale... and they're all gone..." and me and my mom were like O_O;;; ou well. so my mom and i hung around safeway, bought extra food... etc etc. bought yams and stuffing. (i'll tell you about that whole deal later). and then we went home... so its all good right? yeah... for the rest of the night. the next day... when my mom picks me up from school... she's all angry and stuff... she's like, "YOUR grandmother said she wanted a turkey, and now she changes her mind!" (so like at safeway yesterday we bought a frozen turkey) and i'm like "WTF?!?! WHAT THE HELL IS SHE FUCKING ON?" and that just sucked... that whole night just sucked... and whats worse? we had to take my daddy to the airport... made me feel hella sad and stuff... it sucks... cuz its so quiet here. Any way.
Thursday. happy thanksgiving right? WRONG. theres so much drama drama revolution at my relatives house its not even funny. Its like... my uncle is on crack. my step auntie is a whore, my cuzins are stupid... and my relatives "maid" can't stand being around my grandma any more... theres a whole story about that but i don't wanna bother talking about that. any way, there was so much anger and tension... that i didn't even feel like i'm part of that family. everyone's so fucked up. i hate it. any way, so did we eat turkey? no. we had chicken... and ham... and
fucking chinese food
and i'm like, "WTF!? YOU FUCKING DONT HAVE CHINESE FOOD ON THANKSGIVING YOU FUCKING MORONS" and my relatives are like, "Duur duur we're just morons and we don't know whats better" oh well i dont give a shit, cuz earlier in the day i made candied yams and my mom made some stuffing just for me. so i had a chicken thanxgivin dinner w/ candied yams, stuffing and chicken... i boycotted that damn chinese food.any way, the only great thing about thanxsgiving... was i beat klonoa on gba. it owns. ^-^;
and friday... i had to work. and that was hell. nuff said. and ross called... and left to colorado... i'm so alone... i think i'm gonna be an internet junkie for the next week... ugh and i have to drive to school. ou well. i get to go out w/ gracie and peepos tomorrow. i donno what to get for gracies birthday tho. o_O; i haven't even done that. i'm so tired... omg. the most embarressing thing happened to me today... so i went to taco bell for some take out... i almost left the drive through w/o my change... and like... i was hella embarressed... so i had to park my car... and like get up and go get it... talk about embaressment... x_X; sucked. ou well. i guess i should be getting to bed. i want me & my cd's. i think i'm gonna go pamper myself sometime and go buy those cd's. yeaaaah. i think thats what i'm going to do. i don't care if its gonna cost me... i love me & my too much to care.
*sigh* and i'm still thinking about that girl... too bad she has a bf. x_X;
why arn't we allowed to dream? and make those dreams come true... if only it would happen... i'd be a different person.
Friday, November 23, 2001
i remember what i was going to report.
so like today at work (i'm still at work) all i hear on the radio is xmas music on KOIT.
goddamn people... xmas isnt for practically another month from now. x_X; reminds me how short my life truly is.
i have to go major pee. yuck. its so cold lately... i need to go dig out my trench coats. yeah... so like now i'm all alone, ross just called me an hour ago saying he was leaving to colorado w/ his friend chuck. i hope they drive safely. gee. i wanted to report something up on here. but i dont remember.
Thursday, November 22, 2001
today... my daddy went on a plane flight to indonesia...
and today... i saw a vision of the future.
I dont know, it maybe a vision of the future, i'm not quite suire. but... we were at the desk for my dad to check in and get his luggage weighted and checked in, and there was this azn chick... and then this american white guy comes over (who works there) by her and starts talking to her... and his name was jason... and it was like.. wow... azn girl, white guy name jason... and the first thing that pops into my mind "Jason... Jason's gonna move to California.... " it was soooooo weird. As i continued to listen to their conversation... all i heard was, "I miss you... just one small kiss..." and i'm like wow... that sounds like something he would say...
i don't know it was just weird.
god i could rant on and on about thanksgiving.... but i don't want to. i'm really depressed right now.
Wednesday, November 21, 2001
lately i've been lazy, i just want to sleep and sleep and sleep.
today my dad leaves back to indonesia... i wish him a safe journy. it's hella dangerous travelling back home at this time.
i think i'll rant later tonite... like around 1 in the morning... *sigh*
Tuesday, November 20, 2001
Sunday, November 18, 2001
so yeah, okay i think i will blog... its been a few days since i've blogged a long log. o_O; so today what did i do? i decided to go out with Rosshi. yeah yeah. so many people are like =O i didnt know! oh well. ^^; we went to pasta pomodoro =D`` we ate lots... lots... and lots of food. den we went to castro valley golf land. it wuz fun... korean 3rd mix and ddr max = winn0r. so okay, on the way up to the arcade... we're walking in the parking lot (ross, my bro and i) and like Mike ngo just pops out of no where yelling something out loud... scare the shit out of me. yeaah. but it was cool.
after a good hour or two of ddr... (mike left somewhere in the middle) Ross, mai bro and i decided to get some milk pearl tea! XD i've been cravin for that stuff for hella dayz. n e way, so like once we get there, we order our stuff and my brother is like, "Yeah, u kno Mike was watchin you and ross huggle and stuff... and said, 'damn i want a hug too... *sniff sniff*" and ross and i just started crackin up. i guess meebee we do make a difference. o_O; iono it's just weird. after that we crossed the dumbarton and headed to this noodle restaruant... yum. =D``` after that he left. T_T; den me and my dad went to go watch "Play it again sam" yeaaaa. ^^; it was purdy good, short, comedical. i have to write a review on it. ~_~ not fun. so yeah.
right now lil b and i are talking about cats... and keeping one as a pet. i reaaaally want one... i don't know what to do about it. x_X; iono i'm still debatin over it. i love cats. XD any way what else? uhh.. i larped friday, that was fun. it was good seeing friends again... i'm still a young'n and playing a 12 yr old lil girl who's a vampire doesn't help. ^^; so yeah...
omg. i can't believe it... its going to be a year... count down to 1 year w/ mai sweet Rossi... 25 days... we need to go to the dickens fair... hahaha... that brought back hella memories. so like last night ross and i were talking on the phone... and like... i was telling him how i've been attracted to this girl in my german class as of late... i'm not going to mention her name b/c it might be possible that she might be reading my blog. who knows. but its so weird. i've felt like this for a long time.... and i'm really saddened by this. I don't know... for the first time in my life... i've never felt like this before... god, just thinking about her makes me smile. Ross wuz like, "Dayam gurl i can't believe your actually feelin for her... what a fantasy. XD```" and yeah... its just weird... i would love to be her lil girl, just to please her... but that will never happen, no girl would wanna take me into their arms. T_T;
and yeah, i was thinking today... i ain't purdy. i'm not a pretty girl. i was looking at pictures of other people, and i don't find myself pretty, i don't know why... i'm just not pretty. T_T; it sucks. i have life. =T its so mean to me. i should go, finish up cleaning my room. i'm waiting for gracie... >_< to tell her about the kitties!!!
by the way, after reading gattch00n's blog... it makes me slightly happy. ^^;

Friday, November 16, 2001
"What she's a 12 year old vampire?!?!" *jaws drop*
"WHAT?! SHE DOESN"T KNOW HOW TO FEED?!?! greeeeeeeeeat..."
ohohoho. larp was fun. XD
i wish i coulda stayed logner.
Thursday, November 15, 2001
Wednesday, November 14, 2001
v a m p usako: i'm an innocent good girl. ^-^
xDDRManiacx: yeah, and i'm Jesus.
v a m p usako: are u? O_O;
xDDRManiacx: you know what though, Ty kinda looks like Jesus.
v a m p usako: ROTFLMAO!!! times infinity!!!
v a m p usako: oooooooomfg.
so like i have no homework right now. w00t w00t. yeaaaaah. omg. the coolest site ish dish: ish all dominator lyke whut. omg. she ish sooo kawaii! XD goth chicks rule. n e way. so like the past couple of days have been like whut. its been purdy bad. so yeah. today was a horrible day. Kim had a crisis... Gwacie got her backpacked pooped on by birdy crap, and mr bice humilated me... it HELLA sucks. a disgrace to all horn players! i'd get into detail, but i don't want to. don't dis a hornplayer unless *YOU* are a horn player.... its so hard. ppl hellllla dis horn players cuz dey suck and such... but its so hard to play... i mean the fingerings are one thing... and the embochure is another... but when you play... the notes are so close together (b/c of the way the horn was built) that you could easily miss a note w/ the slip of a lip... go figure... i hate ppl who try to upstand hornplayers.
horn playa pride lyke whut. haha. n e way. i'm kinda working on a new layout. hopefully it will be better than da chu chu rocket one i had. ^^;;; gomen.
yeah. dance class tuesday wuz koo. we're performing @ the Hillsdale shoppin mall... on dec 15th. be dere! or not. o_o;; scare. d00d. i get to go to mai role play game dish friday!!! I"M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!! XD XD XD`` yeaaaaah. ohkii. ^^ i think i will go. and that whole Step Squad thing... i gotta like... find out wuts goin on, cuz Jas wuz lyke, "d00d j00 ish in step squad lyke whut" and i'm like.. "oro? o_O" Step Squad pride? =D``` i want a Step Squad visor... ahahaha. a Step Squad pets visor!!! ohohoho! XD```` i'm outz. gonna work on da layoutz.
Tuesday, November 13, 2001
woohoo. so i worked on the new layout a little. uhh... i'm still at work. i'm going to dance class soon. ^-^; i have lots to rant about, but i'll elaborate later. but note to myself.
LuLu's outfit is 2 peices! a dress w/ no back and a corset!!! O_O;;;;
i'm also thinking of a saint tail cosplay instead of LuLu. i want Saint Tail fansubs now. XD```
Monday, November 12, 2001
jocy + kettle korn = jocy bloated.... oooooh i ate so much wonderful food in the past weekend =D`````
Friday, November 09, 2001
i want to kill fucking people.
stupid people need to be shot. i hate them. i hate em all.
especially stupid spirited people at school. what do you gain? nothing but more stupid people.
ROAR!!! I just lost my blog thing. >_< stupid resizing... ugh. uhhh... yeah. people are looking at me type up my blog at the library... yeah Hugh and DragonSlayer... O_o;;;; straaaaaaaange. i think i will go now. They want me to go bust out my GBA and stuff... x_X; go tetris attack! (version pokemon... o_O:::) yeaaaaaaaaaah. ohkii i think i will go now. i r feeling still the same *points to blog below* yeaaaaah. ohkay i go now. ppl watching me type at a really fast pace!! vroom! vroom car!!! quote the Daniel! =D``` nevermore! i r outz.
/me is depress0rs.
yeah the stupid girl is fucking depressed again. Not like its anything new. today i had to go see two docters. joy. i had to go see my dermintologist... w00t. and my back docter. my back is all aligned now... thats wonderful but its all sore. x_X;
so b/c of those docter appointments, i get to night class at like 5:30... another hour to kill. so i start reading more of that Princeton Review: Cracking the AP Literature Test book... yeaaah. i think i still have to read some more. oh well. after that was German class... it was alright. just the three of us.. Jean, Janna and I... the whole class all have J lettered names... except for Tiffany... Jean, Janna, Jen... Jocelyn... oh... and Lorrie isnt a J name either. Oh well. I think our German teacher gets us confused... hahaha. I almost got called janna today. =T oh well.
I'm depressed... why? a few things. 1. i havent talked to mein mann in DAYYYYYS... the damn boy should at least leave me a private message... *sobs* but no just leaves me in the dust. probably playing DDR Max.... *sigh* that Max300 song is stupid. i have it on my ddr emulator. i can beat it w/ two hands =D``` also... 2. I am depressed b/c i dont get to go play DDR Max tomorrow... oh well who cares. i still need to catch up on 5th mix any way... stupid thing. also.... Fremont tourny is comming up, i don't know if i should go, if i do, i'll be hanging out w/ Jahi. ^^; what else? uHhHh. i am also depressed cuz i'm HELLA cravin for some milk pearl tea!!! >_<
there is so much shit.... makes me depressed... oh and the biggest thing... my SAT: 900's...
thats right folks... i r dumb. shanku. x_x;
i mean i can't help it if i'm a horrible test taker... sorry. my brain is used to think and develop stuff... to be creative. To imagine the un-imaginable... but no, all that matters is the knowledge that i muss store in my fucking head. sorry. but i'm not like that... *sighs*
as i fall into a deeper state of melencholic depression... i think i will go do more homework. *sigh*
btw... the only happy thing... i get Mr Driller 2 for my gba soon! ^-^; and the song that i posted below... is the Trigun song... its so beautiful... it makes me cry. T_T;
Wednesday, November 07, 2001
Tuesday, November 06, 2001
Sound Life
Lyrics: Kenji Nakazawa
Music & Arrangment: Tsuneo Akima
Performed by AJA
So... Hitotsume no yoru ni
Izuko kara koishi ga sekai ni ochiru
So... Futatsu me no yoru ni
Koishi no ko ga te wo to ri warutsu wo gaku
Sound life
So... Mitsu me no yoru ni
Warutsu no ko wa yona mo ni ueebu wo utsu
So... Yottsu me no yoru ni
Nami no ko wa kishiben ni shibuki wo ageru
Sound Life
So... Itsutsume no yoru ni
So no kakera ikudomo yo nanmo wo tataku
So... Mutsume no yoru ni
So no aizu ni tabi bito wa tsudoi au
Sound Life
So... Nanotsume no yoru ni
Omosa no naifunewa so ra e to hashiru
So... Yotsume no asa ni
Izuko kara no uta ga mimi e to todo ku
Sound Life
Sa... Atarashii sora ni subete wo shirushita kyumi
kyoku ga kibiku
Sound Life
Sound Life
Monday, November 05, 2001
i'm hungry... everyone saw Monsters Inc already... =(
i wanna go watch it! and ddr max came out... and i want fobby drinks... god someone kidnap me to a better place then this snobby no good place. x_X
Kitty!!! XD
I just thought of this... the movie "The One" sucked. it was like the matrix and jackie chans double dragon er whatever mashed into one...
but i want to go see this movie:
Monsters, Inc.
KITTTTTTYYYY!!!! XD``````````````
so i think i'm going to post. its been a while since i've posted. um yeah. so i think i might make another weblay out for this blog... i was thinking of mr driller. but i don't know yet. so today was hell. annotations suck. they suckth the most. i still have more english stuff to do tonite. but i dont care i'll do it sometime. any way, i had a lot of fun last nite. Yes ross if u are reading this i had a tremendous amount of fun. but yeah. so friday just sucked... cuz it did. but i watched sweeny todd. that is the most coolest musical ever. then i went off downloading mp3s from sweeny todd... and in general i've been downloading musical mp3s... yeah.
okay saturday... heres what i did.
woke up in the morning
talked on the phone w/ ross.
then figured that my bro, dad and i and ross would all go meet up at the theaters to watch "The One"
Me dad and I went to wendys for lunch
met up w/ Ross... he came from a weird freeway enterance and i was like O_O;;; and my dad said he came over the dumbarton. XD
went to see 'The One'
saw Kevin, Jared and Stephen from school...
then went to kevins house... in hopes of playing PIU but didn't get to. damn magic. stupid magic. >:O
then went to my brothers soccer game... they won! I must be a lucky charm
then went to buca di beppos... droolage lyke whut..
then came home
took a shower -kinky-
then helped my brother w/ his cell project... we made a cell out of toilet paper and glue!
then talked to ross and fell asleep. XD
a BUZY BUZY saturday y0. then sunday...
went to church... blegh.
went to lunch @ the pot sticker
go home...
spend lots of time helping brother w/ his cell project... damn plant cell
spend many hours typing up that stupid annotation...
and here i am typing up this blog...
by the by down below was some random thread i was getting in my email account... i thought it was funny. so yeah. =D but saturday just made me feel happy. its been so long since i've spent any time with my Rosshi. yeaaaah. so kyute so kyute! I can't believe its already 11 months... its almost one year... I hope i can spend some special time with him on our one year... even if it is just for an hour... or a minute... or just a few moments. Just to hold him on that special day... and it just keeps on going... I can't believe i've had no problems what so ever. as if i can just keep on loving him. yeaaaaah.
by the way, Pride and Prejudice is a very good book. but i'm not done reading it! >_<
and yesterday at buca di bepos... ross, justin and i were talking about the coolest OG snes games... so guess what i did today!? i went ROM happy i downloaded 2 more snes roms... I downloaded EVO - the search for eden and Joe and Mac. JOE and MAC is the funniest game ever!! My bro and I used to play it ALL the fucking time... god i'd pay some good damn money for a copy of that on SNES. XD so yeah... and we talked about actraizer and other stupid funny snes and OG console shit... and we met a cool waitress... she played games too. and she was kyute! =D``` okay. i'll stop now. i'm a good girl. so yeah. and i found out that Mark actually did his Econ homework! teeheehee. and I... have to go work on seminar stuff for english tomorrow.. and as much as i love english... its just as much as i hate it. yeaaaaah. thats all i can think of... its been one wild week... hopefully i'll get to update more? dooooooooood DDR for GB is winn0r!!! XD i r happy i steal much0 stuff that belongs to mai Rosshi. But i'll make it up... with sweet warm luBin by me. ^-^ *is in love.... heart flutters...*
Sunday, November 04, 2001
Todays Horn List Thread....
Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2001 18:32:47 -0500
Subject: [hornlist] Horn Sex
Reply To:
A college girl went out on a date with a horn player. Afterward, her dorm
roommate asked, "How was it?" The girl said, "Well, he kissed me very
sweetly, but he sure did hold me funny." (Old joke.) -AC.
If the mouthpipe (leadpipe) is masculine, what is the mouthpiece?
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 23:27:24 EST
Subject: Re: [hornlist] Horn Sex
Reply To:
Wrong, the mouth pipe is feminine, think, it has an opening and the
masculine, Think, it goes into the mouthpipe. Female connection, male
John Wilber RN
Principal Horn
Flagstaff Light opera Orchestra
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2001 18:15:07 EST
Subject: Re: [hornlist] Horn Sex
Reply To:
thats almost funny